If your resource contains many fields, your resource “detail” page can become crowded. For that reason, you may choose to break up groups of fields into their own “panels”:

You may accomplish this by creating a new Panel instance within the fields method of a resource. Each panel requires a name and an array of fields that belong to that panel:

use Laravel\Nova\Panel;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Date;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\ID;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Text;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest;

// ...

 * Get the fields displayed by the resource.
 * @return array<int, \Laravel\Nova\Fields\Field>
public function fields(NovaRequest $request): array
    return [

        Panel::make('Profile', [
            Text::make('Full Name'),
            Date::make('Date of Birth'),
            Text::make('Place of Birth'),

Limiting Displayed Fields

You may limit the amount of fields shown in a panel by default using the limit method:

use Laravel\Nova\Panel;

// ...

Panel::make('Profile', [
    Text::make('Full Name'),
    Date::make('Date of Birth'),
    Text::make('Place of Birth'),

Panels with a defined field limit will display a Show All Fields button in order to allow the user to view all of the defined fields when needed.

Collapsible Panels

You may allow field panels to be collapsible by invoking the collapsible method when defining the panel. This method utilizes JavaScript’s localStorage feature to remember the current state of the panel between requests:

use Laravel\Nova\Panel;

// ...

Panel::make('Profile', [
    Text::make('Full Name'),
    Date::make('Date of Birth'),
    Text::make('Place of Birth'),

You may indicate that a panel should always be collapsed by default via the collapsedByDefault method:

use Laravel\Nova\Panel;

// ...

Panel::make('Profile', [
    Text::make('Full Name'),
    Date::make('Date of Birth'),
    Text::make('Place of Birth'),


The Tab panel allows you to organize resource fields and relationships within tab panels:

To create a tab panel when defining your resource’s fields, provide the tab group title and array of tabs to the Tab::group method. Each individual tab may be constructed using Tab::make and receives a tab title and array of fields:

use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Currency;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\HasMany;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\HasManyThrough;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Hidden;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\ID;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest;
use Laravel\Nova\Tabs\Tab;

// ...

 * Get the fields displayed by the resource.
 * @return array<int, \Laravel\Nova\Fields\Field|\Laravel\Nova\Panel>
public function fields(NovaRequest $request): array
    return [

        // ...

        Tab::group('Details', [
            Tab::make('Purchases', [
                Number::make('Tickets Available'),
                Number::make('Tickets Sold'),

            Tab::make('Registrations', [
                // ...

            Tab::make('Event & Venue', [
                // ...

        Tab::group('Relations', [

Omitting Tab Group Titles

Tab group titles may be omitted by simply providing fields to the Tab::group method:

use Laravel\Nova\Tabs\Tab;

// ...

Tab::group(fields: [