Dependency Upgrades

Nova’s upstream dependencies have been upgraded. You will find a complete list of our dependency upgrades below:


  • PHP 7.3+
  • Laravel Framework 8.0+
  • Updated doctrine/dbal from ^2.9 to ^2.13.3|^3.1.2|^4.0
  • Updated laravel/ui from ^2.0|^3.0 to ^3.3|^4.0
  • Updated symfony/* from ^5.0 to ^5.4|^6.0|^7.0
  • Removed cakephp/chronos and moontoast/math dependencies


  • Updated supported Laravel Mix version from v1 to v6
  • Removed flatpickr and moment.js

Updating Composer Dependencies

You should update your laravel/nova dependency to ^4.0 in your application’s composer.json file:

"laravel/nova": "^4.0",

After purchasing a Nova 4.0 license, you should update your Composer auth.json file to use your newly generated license key instead of your previous Nova 3 API token or account password.

Next, install your updated your Composer dependencies:

composer update mirrors

composer update

After updating your application’s Composer dependencies, you should migrate your database:

php artisan migrate

Updating Configuration, Assets, and Translations

Next, you should update your application’s Nova configuration, assets, and translation files. To get started, you may run the following commands to update your assets and translations.

You may wish to store a copy of your current translation file before running this command so you can easily port any custom translations back into the new file after running these commands. In addition, we will generate a “Main” dashboard for your Nova installation:

php artisan nova:dashboard Main

php -r "file_exists('./resources/views/vendor/nova/layout.blade.php') && unlink('./resources/views/vendor/nova/layout.blade.php');"

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=nova-assets --force
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=nova-lang --force
php artisan view:clear

Next, let’s update the Nova configuration file. First, ensure that the middleware and api_middleware configuration options within your application’s nova configuration file appear as follows:

use Laravel\Nova\Http\Middleware\Authenticate;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Middleware\Authorize;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Middleware\BootTools;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Middleware\DispatchServingNovaEvent;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Middleware\HandleInertiaRequests;

return [

    // ...

    'middleware' => [

    'api_middleware' => [

    // ...

Next, ensure your application’s nova configuration file contains a storage_disk configuration option:

'storage_disk' => env('NOVA_STORAGE_DISK', 'public'),

Once your configuration has been updated, you should review the following list of changes and upgrade your application accordingly.

Registering a Nova License Key and Production URL

Nova requires a license key a production URL to be used in production environments. Nova will check your license key and the current host against the values from the license details found in your Nova account. You can learn more in the installation docs.

Updating Third-Party Nova Packages

If your application relies on Nova tools or packages developed by third-parties, it is possible that these packages are not yet compatible with Nova 4.0 and will require an update from their maintainers.

High Impact Changes

Nova Request

Nova 4 updates a variety of methods to accept a Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest instance instead of an Illuminate\Http\Request instance. An overview of the methods that have been updated is provided below so you may update your method signatures accordingly.


The fields, fieldsForIndex, fieldsForDetail, fieldsForCreate, fieldsForUpdate, cards, filters, lenses, and actions methods:

class Resource
    public function fields(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function fieldsForIndex(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function fieldsForDetail(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function fieldsForCreate(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function fieldsForUpdate(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function cards(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function filters(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function lenses(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function actions(NovaRequest $request) {}


The fields, filters, and actions methods:

class Lens
    public function fields(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function cards(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function filters(NovaRequest $request) {}
    public function actions(NovaRequest $request) {}


The fields method:

class Action
    public function fields(NovaRequest $request) {}


The apply and options methods:

class Filter
    public function apply(NovaRequest $request, $query, $value) {}
    public function options(NovaRequest $request) {}

Main Dashboard Class

In previous releases of Nova, the “Main” dashboard cards were defined via the cards method of your application’s NovaServiceProvider. However, in Nova 4, a dedicated Main dashboard class must be created via the following command:

php artisan nova:dashboard Main

Next, move the contents of the cards method from your NovaServiceProvider to the cards method of your new App\Nova\Dashboards\Main class and register the Main dashboard within the dashboards method of your NovaServiceProvider:

use App\Nova\Dashboards\Main;

 * Get the extra dashboards that should be displayed on the Nova dashboard.
 * @return array
protected function dashboards()
    return [
        new Main,

Dashboard Methods

In Nova 4, the label and uriKey methods defined on dashboard classes are no longer static. You should update your methods accordingly:

 * Get the displayable name of the dashboard.
 * @return string
public function label()
    return 'Post Stats';

 * Get the URI key for the dashboard.
 * @return string
public function uriKey()
    return 'posts-dashboard';

Client-Side Timezone Detection

Nova 4 removes the ability to rely on the client machine’s timezone in order to display timezone related information. Instead, Nova 4 utilizes the application’s “server side” timezone as defined by the timezone option in your application’s app configuration file.

Please refer to our documentation regarding timezone customization for more information.

Date / DateTime Fields & HTML5

Nova 4 utilizes native <input type="date" /> and <input type="datetime-local" /> elements to render the Date and DateTime fields. Therefore, the following methods have been removed from Nova 4:

  • firstDayOfWeek()
  • format()
  • pickerFormat()
  • pickerDisplayFormat()
  • incrementPickerHourBy()
  • incrementPickerMinuteBy()

Algolia Place Field

Unfortunately, Algolia is retiring their “Places” API on May 31, 2022; therefore, the Place field has been deprecated and we encourage you to migrate to Text fields for street addresses and cities.

Medium Impact Changes

Updating Custom Tool, Cards, Fields, Filters

To ease upgrading custom packages to Nova 4, please review and copy the following files from Laravel Nova’s src/Console/tool-stubs directory to your own custom package:

  • nova.mix.js
  • package.json
  • webpack.mix.js :::

Since Nova 4 upgrades our frontend dependencies to Inertia, Vue 3, and Tailwind 2, it is necessary to review all custom tools and upgrade them accordingly. A general overview of the necessary changes can be found below; however, your custom Nova packages may require additional changes if they are depending on third-party packages that only support Vue 2 or prior versions of Tailwind.

Vue 3

This change primarily affects the installation of custom tools that utilize Vue routing.

Nova 4 has been updated to use Vue 3, in order to upgrade all custom cards, custom fields, custom filters, resource tools, and tools to support Vue 3, please make the following changes to your application’s webpack.mix.js:

// Before...
mix.js("resources/js/field.js", "js");

// After...

  .js('resources/js/tool.js', 'js')
  .vue({ version: 3 })
  .css('resources/css/tool.css', 'css')

Replacing Vue Router With Inertia.js

This change primarily affects the installation of custom tools that utilize Vue routing.

Nova 4 has replaced Vue router with Inertia.js. Therefore, custom tools should migrate from registering Vue routes to registering Inertia.js page components and backend routes. For example, given the following Nova 3 Vue router registration:

// Within tool.js...

Nova.booting((Vue, router) => {
      name: "sidebar-tool",
      path: "/sidebar-tool",
      component: require("./components/Tool"),

When using Nova 4, you should register the tool component with Inertia like so:

// Within tool.js...

Nova.booting((Vue) => {
  Nova.inertia("SidebarTool", require("./component/Tool").default);

Once your Vue component has been registered, you should define a server-side route definition for your tool so that it may be rendered:

// Within ToolServiceProvider.php...

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Laravel\Nova\Nova;

    ->group(function ($router) {
        $router->get('sidebar-tool', function (Request $request) {
            return inertia('SidebarTool');

Removal of laravel-nova NPM Dependency

This change primarily affects the installation of custom tools that utilize Vue routing.

To ease upgrading custom packages to support Nova 4, please review and copy the following files from Laravel Nova’s src/Console/stubs especially the following files:

  • nova.mix.js
  • packages.json
  • webpack.mix.js

Previous versions of Nova required the laravel-nova NPM package. In 4.0, this is no longer the case as each mixin has been integrated into Nova itself. To upgrade any custom packages you’ve created, you must update your webpack.mix.js file to define an alias to vendor/laravel/nova/resources/js/mixins/packages.js:

Typically, custom Nova tools, resource tools, cards, and other custom packages that are being developed within a nova-components directory of a Laravel application can reference Nova’s own packages.js file by defining a laravel-nova alias that points to the file within the Nova installation that is located within your root application’s vendor directory. This alias is typically defined within the custom package’s nova.mix.js file:

'laravel-nova': path.join(

Custom Nova packages that are developed outside of a nova-components directory should declare laravel/nova as a “dev” Composer dependency, and then define a laravel-nova Mix alias that points to the packages.js file within your custom package’s vendor directory:

'laravel-nova': path.join(

In order to compile custom packages assets with laravel-nova mixins you are required to prepare laravel/nova’s node_modules by running the following command:

npm run nova:install

# Or use the explicit command...
npm --prefix='vendor/laravel/nova' ci

Event Cancellation on Save

Nova 3 ignores event cancellation when creating or updating a resource. For example, the following code will still persist the User resource to the database, even though the event listener returns false:

User::updating(function ($model) {
    return false;

However, this code will throw a Laravel\Nova\Exceptions\ResourceSaveCancelledException exception in Nova 4.

Field::default Method Only Applies to Create, Attach, & Action Requests

Nova 4 will no longer resolve default values for “index” and “detail” requests. If you need to define a model’s default attribute values, please utilize Eloquent’s $attributes property:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
     * The model's attributes.
     * @var array
    protected $attributes = [
        'timezone' => 'UTC',

Relationship Name Conventions

Given the following field definition, Nova 3 will assume the relationship method is named purchased_books; however, Nova 4 will correctly assume the relationship method is named purchasedBooks.

BelongsToMany::make('Purchased Books'),

Action::actionClass Method Removed

Nova 4 no longer allows adding custom CSS styles to an action confirmation modal’s buttons via the action’s actionClass method.

Low Impact Changes

Eloquent User Provider Required

Nova 4 requires the authentication user provider to be eloquent in order to resolve information regarding the currently authenticated user.

In your application’s default config/auth.php configuration file, the Eloquent user provider is specified and it is instructed to use the App\Models\User model when retrieving users. You may change these values within your configuration file based on the needs of your application.

Reduce Encoded Filter String Length

Nova 4 introduces a shorter key-value map in filter string URLs which reduces the overall length of the URL. This change doesn’t affect bookmarked URLs; however, third party package tool developers who interact deeply with Vuex may wish to ensure their packages still work after this change.

Action::showOnTableRow Method

The Action::showOnTableRow method has been deprecated. Instead, we suggest updating your code to use the showInline method:

// Before...
(new ConsolidateTransaction)->showOnTableRow(),

// After...
(new ConsolidateTransaction)->showInline(),
(new ConsolidateTransaction)->onlyInline(),
(new ConsolidateTransaction)->exceptInline(),

Authorization Precedence

Nova 4 introduce the following tweaks to authorization order / precedence:

  • Authorizing if a user can view a resource no longer depends on the viewAny permission.
  • Actions can be executed regardless of view and viewAny permissions.
  • Destructive actions will now authorize via their own canRun method before falling back to the model’s policy.

Further detail regarding Nova authorization is available within the resource policy documentation and action authorization documentation.

Update Published Stubs

Due to various changes in Nova 4.0, you should re-publish the Nova “stubs” if you have previously published them. You can accomplish this by executing the nova:stubs Artisan command with the --force option:

php artisan nova:stubs --force

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