
Nova notifications allow you to notify Nova users of events within your application, such as a report being ready to download or of an invoice that needs attention. Nova notifications are displayed within a slide-out menu that can be accessed via the “bell” icon within Nova’s top navigation menu.

Sending Notifications

To send a notification, you simply need to send a NovaNotification instance to a user’s notify method. Of course, before getting started, you should ensure that your user model is notifiable.

Nova notifications may be generated via the NovaNotification class, which provides convenient methods like message, action, icon, and type. The currently supported notification types include success, error, warning, and info:

use Laravel\Nova\Notifications\NovaNotification;
use Laravel\Nova\URL;

        ->message('Your report is ready to download.')
        ->action('Download', URL::remote('https://example.com/report.pdf'))

You may also send a Nova notification by including the NovaChannel in the array of channels returned by a notification’s via method:

use Laravel\Nova\Notifications\NovaNotification;
use Laravel\Nova\Notifications\NovaChannel;
use Laravel\Nova\URL;

 * Get the notification's delivery channels
 * @param mixed $notifiable
 * @return array
public function via($notifiable)
    return [NovaChannel::class];

 * Get the nova representation of the notification
 * @return array
public function toNova()
    return (new NovaNotification)
        ->message('Your report is ready to download.')
        ->action('Download', URL::remote('https://example.com/report.pdf'))

Opening Remote Action URLs in New Tabs

When defining a notification action, the openInNewTab method may be invoked to instruct Nova to open the given URL in a new browser tab:

    'Download', URL::remote('https://example.com/report.pdf')

Notification Icons

Nova utilizes the free Heroicons icon set by Steve Schoger. Therefore, you may simply specify the name of one of these icons when providing the icon name to the Nova notification’s icon method.

Disabling Notifications

If you wish to completely disable notifications inside Nova, you can call the withoutNotifications method from your App/Providers/NovaServiceProvider:

use Laravel\Nova\Nova;

 * Boot any application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()


Enabling Unread Notifications Count

By default, Nova shows a visual indicator when there are unread notifications inside the notification center. If you would like Nova to show the number of unread notifications, you can call the showUnreadCountInNotificationCenter method from your App/Providers/NovaServiceProvider:

use Laravel\Nova\Nova;

 * Boot any application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()


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